Welcome to Showcase!

Showcase is a page where you can show off almost anything you want. It can be the photo of your pets, your favorite books, your favorite projects, or anything else you want to show to the world.

You can create a new showcase item by creating a new file in the _showcase folder. It gives you the highest flexibility to customize the item using any HTML code.

Cards are ordered by the date field in the front matter in descending order. The width field is used to determine the width of the card, ranging from 1 to 12. Layout is done by the Masonry library.

For a tidy layout, it is recommended to set the width of the cards to be either multiple of 3 or multiple of 4 for all cards, except for small badges that do not take up much space (width=1).

GitHub Star History

This image shows the star history of the GitHub repository of this website.

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随笔 读后感 游记 诗歌

自从高二开始创作,到现在已经六年了,这六年的写作也是时断时续,主要是自己作为一个理科生(码农),周围的环境不允许,而且学业的压力很大也就没时间去发展自己的文学兴趣了,现今趁着自己的研究生涯还未彻底展开,正好有时间正好整理一下,好好和自己文学梦来个亲密约会QAQ。不得不说,看着自己以前写的东西,可能外人无法理解,但是自己当时创作时的感觉还是能够唤起,也许这就是文字的魅力吧。当然,我也会把写作作为一种习惯继续下去。 看着自己的作品,真是一股青春的气息扑面而来,即便以前的自己是脆弱的、敏感的,那也是我啊,不可割弃的我啊!所以即便有些作品格局略小,我也未进行改动,在作品中有对异性的渴望和踌躇,其实具体的目标是有的,但又不仅止于此,更多是对自己不可推测的未来的思考和迷茫。现在,自己更加享受青春、享受生活,在步向更好的自己的路上。不得不说,我的朋友真是帮助我很多,在这里也是感谢他们对我的宽容和无私奉献,遇见、是命运最好的注定。I love what I own now.

<img data-src="[Image URL]" class="lazy w-100 rounded-sm" src="{{ '/assets/images/empty_300x200.png' | relative_url }}">

Disable Showcase Page?

If you want to disable this showcase page, you can hide it from the navigation bar by removing the showcase in data/navigation.yml

$a^2 + b^2 = c^2$


Meow! I am a cat. Unsplash